[shrunk here but linked, for copyright reasons]
I do not refer to the mild criticism of the wasteful consumer. Everyone spots that. I'm talking about the zen meaning.This expresses it
What is created, what grows, is the amount of life I can hold without it upsetting me, dominating me. At first this space is quite restricted, then it's a bit bigger, and then it's bigger still. It need never cease to grow. And the enlightened state is that enormous and compassionate space. But as long as we live we find there is a limit to our container's size and it is at that point that we must practice.
[Charlotte Joko Beck, via]
The Modern World itself needs to use more fuzzy logic (for instance, in its laws). People will complain because fuzzy rules are more complicated, but reality is complicated.
- Darby Conley gets a lot of the strips rejected because of their content
- Satchel is jokingly half-Shar Pei, half-yellow lab
updated: 2007-07-25