Nevertheless young USA Republicans have produced wallpaper for your PC [via], featuring a very long noun phrase.1
I'm a Freedom Fighter Protecting Freedom from the Authoritarian, Granola-eating, Elitist, anti-American, Socialist Do-gooders, Statist, Enviro-freak, Leftist, Power-hungry, Truthless, Left-wing status quo force fed on today's American Campuses.
In case you have trouble reading that, the modified noun is 'status quo'.2As it happens, Christopher Hitchens loves noun-phrases, too.
From last year, all in just one page from him:
'prisoners' dilemma', 'angry abstention', 'triangular calculation', 'banal, unexciting assumption', 'two-party oligopoly', 'irony of history', 'underlying stipulation', 'formal quarrel', 'racist janjaweed death squads', 'pitiable, deep-seated Muslim grievances', 'near-impeachable irresponsibility', 'hypertense refusal', 'degraded, mendacious populism', 'self-imposed quandary'.
Could it be Hitchens has moved into alliance with these guys because they share his grammatical urges? Could that be part of it?
[I am wavering between this and the guess that Hitchens was treated rudely in Persia on one of his visits by locals who misunderstood his purpose there.]
- In case the image goes away: the wallpaper has a muted blue background. Below the text is the YAF logo. There is a line break after 'Freedom Fighter'.
- It is possible they don't capitalize 'status quo' because they don't think status quos are intrinsically bad.