Yet Google News search for corporal punishment South Korea produces no relevant results. If you pontificate for a living shouldn't you know that in South Korea CP is still used heavily, maybe the most in the industrial world?

[In contrast, Taiwan has just banned CP in schools; it is illegal in China; even Texas may soon ban it!]
As soon as they can, the media should find out: Did Cho Seung-Hui go to school in South Korea? And if he did, was he whipped or beaten there?
A semi-conclusive study has shown a correlation between high rates of corporal punishment in public schools and social pathologies.
If CP as a child is a partial explanation for the VT shootings then Cho was unconsciously ambivalent. Envying and hating. Forgiving and not forgiving.
eg: maybe the night before he walked through a dorm and saw his fellow students looking at porno.
If children are raised in an authoritarian background (included beatings), and then -as young people- are exposed to a liberal one (including pornography) the result is a potent brew. This combined context is tragically common.
Note that standard issue ideology cannot handle this topic. When violence occurs in similar situations, those wishing to defend authoritarianism can blame the porno; while those wishing to defend liberalism can blame the authoritarian background.
Apparently it's not just beatings, but also egregious humiliation may still a integral part of the South Korean educational system.
modified 2007-06-24