
What Esker and Noel have in common: planetary formation/buoyancy/atmospheric loss/surface expansion

For years, occasionally I mused on the  'expanding Earth hypothesis' (EEH), as an amateur. It is a fringe idea.

One reason was the continents do seem to fit together as the cover of a smaller Earth. A geologist  a hundred years before had blown up a balloon to illustrate the idea, but in the age of computers cartoonist Neal Adams has done the service of animating it.

 Don't be hung up that the continental shelves are not in the video (too much too explain).

The alternative, supercontinent theory, is seemingly ad hoc.  Having just one that broke up (called Pangaea)  did not do the trick. Apparently based on the need explain data like matching geologies on the parts of Antarctica to the otherwise-wrong places, there had to have been 5 or 6 super-continents that contorted themselves on the ocean (imagine a teenager making a snow angel and sliding on the snow as well).

part 2

There were dual questions involving dinosaurs ...
  • how could they have done the impossible and moved around?
  • why did they became extinct?
For this reason, most EEHs held that an increase in mass can happen at the center of  planets!

But it seemed to  most there was no reasonable way the Earth could have been gaining mass.

part 3

In this part I mention two more fringe theories.

Davie Esker's has a seemingly bizarre buoyancy hypothesis about the dinosaurs:
  1. 250 millions years ago Earth's atmosphere density was 2/3 that of water, and big animals just sort of floated around.
  2. that the thinning of the atmosphere caused the extinction of the dinosaurs (as well as the huge insects)
J Marvin Herndon's even-the-sun-was-a-gas-giant hypothesis (criticism)
  • the Sun and all four inner planets were gas giants,
  • the sun exploded and blew the atmospheres off the four inner planets

part 4

All this was why last week I blogged about David Noel's fringe mega-theory, including a EEH. opinion. He hypothesized that - among other things  - Earth's atmosphere then was like Venus' is now, (inter alia 90 times as dense).  It has virtues the other EEHs do not:
  • the inner planets don't have to be gas giants, they can be gas normals
  • no sun explosion is necessary, simply atmospheric bleed off (and accepted geology has the creation of the moon that could have triggered it)
  • no weird addition of mass at the center of the Earth
  • no need for the Earth to be expanding much at all now, a  natural end to expansion
  • two sources for EEH, atmospheric bleedoff, and growing tidal motions, putting lateral stress on the surface
  • minor expansion cracks on the moon due to it only having its bled over atmosphere for a while

part 5

Googling, I ran across this article about the same topic as this blog post from 18 months ago. This guy agrees there a problem with the mainstream but thinks along gravity/cosmology lines (sort of like I  used to), not realizing that recently discovered exoplanets have probably  busted the textbootk 'cold line' theory of planetary formation (gas giants have been spotted closer to stars than Earth is to the sun), probably leaving planetary formation up for grabs.

part 6 

Mars has expansionesque cracks, probably (that could be an other post), but no moon remotely big enough to explain atmospheric bleedoff...Not that I know anything ....  a NASA spacecraft did detect debris around Mars two tiny moons ... the asteroid belt is nearby .. maybe Mars small size meant its gas atmosphere was a) less dense b) doomed (especially with big asteroids flying by on a regular basis) leading to a bit of expansion, but not so much as bigger Earth with the thicker atmospheric, bleedoff and tidal rocking

part 7

One could, I suppose, look at this videocapture, which is someone rotating  the planet  on Google Earth using a Geology overlay showing the age of the crust.

He claims floods - you can turn down the sound.

part 8

back to Noel and Esker (remember them?) comparing the two air density claims:
  • buoyancy hypothesis:  an ancient air density about 520 times higher than now 
  • Noel EEH: an ancient air density 90 times higher than now